Sunday, March 30, 2014

Muffins in Poland


Last week the youngest students invited me to  their houses.  

I played with Andrew and Anthony.

 I helped Kate with her homework. She was drawing a robot. Kate is Andrew’s sister.

   Later the children were a little hungry  so I made muffins for them.

Please, help yourself! They are delicious.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Red Balloon

Have you seen this film?

Le Ballon Rouge, 1956 - Albert Lamorisse (PART 4) (+playlista)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Polish Folklore lesson

Jastrzębie-Zdrój is an industrial town.

To learn about the local folklore younger pupils went to the nearby village Osiny.

 They learnt what people wore and how  they lived, how they made butter and wool. Stanley was invited to go on a school trip. He learnt how Polish children say Goodbye!  to winter on March, 21. He enjoyed the trip.

Monday, March 3, 2014


More photos at NorthPole blog

Stanley: Swimmer

Class IA has extra PE lessons in the swimming pool. Stanley thinks he is not very keen on swimming. It looks too dangerous for him. 
Veronika, Magda nad Claudia with this little handsome guy.

Class IC

Stanley: Class IC

A boring English lesson? Not with Stanley!

From one classroom to another one Stanley can travel by plane. 

The first day in Poland

Stanley: The first day in Poland

Class  I A is my first host.