Monday, October 14, 2013

Norwegian Candy

We are going to tell you about some Norwegian candy: Milk chocolate in Noway is called "Melkesjokolade", and we have potato chips. One brand is called "Sørlandschips". Kids usually get candy on Saturdays, it's like a tradition and called "lørdagsgodt." On Easter Eve we get an easter egg filled with candy. On Christmas Eve we get a stocking and we call it "Jule strømpe." And we have a popular Icecream that we call "Krone is."

By Helene Victoria, Solfrid, and Ina

When we took Stanley on a tour of our town, we stopped by the grocery store. Of course, we had to show him some of our favorite snacks! We love chocolate, and believe that Norwegian chocolate is the best! We also like typical snacks such as potato chips.

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